Yo Ho,
A while ago I got some single Demonworld Miniatures. For I like the way they are sculpted (by Werner Klocke, but you all probably know that) I was eager to paint them. But they spend a couple of years in my box of minis before they were launched to life. These are to two I started with, I don't know when I'll finish the other ones. Maybe later, maybe never.
Still, 15mm minis have something tempting. They are like "normal" miniatures, but smaller. Perhaps I should but a coin next to them to show you how small they are, but allways when somebody does that I think "what a poser". And you guys know the minis anyway and also their size. I will make one of those stupid scale pictures when I finished some more, probably.
This is Oldhammer Evilsun McSlaine. |
Chi'Ra, the Scarlet Assassin. |
If you look closesly you'll see how the GW Purity Seal fucked up the surface of the minis, again. Don't know why I still sometimes use spraycans. Probably to convince myself that now that it is painted, I do not care so much about the mini anymore. Or bacause I was too lazy to clean the airbrush afterwards...