The Toast Factorys never seize the work. Childrens hands prepare the toast for the master's gluttony will never fade away. In this nightmarish facility contains sinister beetle overseers, keeping an eye on the little slave that labour day and night. If the supplies of delicious bakery products not reach their minimum, te wrath of the mast will hit the overseers the same way it does to the unfortunate slaves.
This sculpture was made to celebrate the awesome work of my favourite animator
David Firth. For many years I watched his disturbing funny films and get never tired of quoting them whenever I see it fit. I do that a lot. This character originate from Firth's backwards triology
Spoilsbury Toast Boy. Even though it makes me sad I must say that this is a genious work in animation, music, voice acting and all the other intellectual mucus.
The sculptue was a gift as well. For the fellow Great White. Made from Sculpey, without the base around 15cm high.